Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We Love You, so sorry for WWIII, World War Three

We Love You, so sorry World War Three, we had our heads in the Sand.

Have we all taken the time to hug or tell those that we love "We Love You" 

Please do it as soon as Possible. There may not be a Tomorrow Soon.

WWIII may postpone Yule or Christmas for a Lifetime this year!!!!! 

The Four Horse Men are on the Flight Decks and Missile Pads of a Nuclear Armed and insane World.

Santa's Sled has been retrofitted and all the Reindeer are wearing NWO Vest .

One can only poke a chained dog so many times before it learns it has nothing to lose and all to gain by fighting back.

Thanks to all my Friends for the chance to know you.

Notes on Subway of the Druid Prophets.

All The Buzzards are Dead and the Sky is Gray.
There is no one safe and warm after a Nuclear Winter's Day.


The Curse of Imbolc 2013

The Curse of Imbolc hits the Southern Hemisphere

Storm kills 6 people, 30k animals in Peru


The Curse of Imbolc

May the Curse of Imbolc harm you not its it cold and white embrace.

Imbolc  brings Spring  Blessings  and the rebirth of life at the end of Winter's Rule.

To the Plants Trees Animals and us all.

A hard Winter's re show can, after they have given birth or put out new shoots  bring  death and delay of needed warmth and new foods for all.

The Curse of Imbolc is a False Spring.

The Druid King

Copyright George King February 10, 2013

A Note:
September 03, 2013
In the year 2013  both Northern and Southern Hemispheres have felt the sting of "The Curse of Imbolc" as was foretold by "The Druid King" and has now come to pass.

It is the duty of all Druids to also be Prophets to tribes and drink from "The Dark Cauldron of Time"

Moon Rising
Babble Risen

Please help put food in the Cat's bowl by clicking on an ad from our blog sponsors on the right side. Every new look/click earns the blog a few penny! Blessings on you and yours TDK!  

You can often reach me at
And at our Physical Center The Cosmic Salamander,
5631 NW 77ct, Coconut Creek, Florida, 33073, USA
954-698-6926 Fax 954-6989-706
Where I will be your Person Magick Supplies and needs order filler if you like!
Both Janice and I are available for Psychic reading, other Magick works, writing assignments and even creating new inventions or sharing some of our for you or your company to patent and sell.

The Blogs Roll:
http://thedruidking.blogspot.com I post some of my views and research in the Pagus World

http://sourpearls.blogspot.com I post my Poems often with a small glimpse of SummerLand and the Pagus World from a Druid's point of view.
Sounds of Silence "And the words of the prophet are written on the subway walls and tenement halls" This blog also has its own Face Book group.

http://brehon-druid-moot.blogspot.com/ BDM the Brehon Druids Moot. This blog also has its own Face Book group.

http://returntosummerland.blogspot.com Obituaries for anyone's loved pets, just e-mail me it and I will post it.

http://inventorsangels.blogspot.com Will soon be putting up projects that I need funding for that should both help the World and make profets for the investors!

Free Water for everyone that on the street and needs a drink, Project free Tap, please share and help

Here are some of Janice-Scott-Readers blogs too.

http://janicescottreeder.blogspot.com/The Old Druid's Spot Daily Forecasts, Faery Finder and Magickal Things.

http://holomultiverses.blogspot.com/ Janice's Holomultiverses What the holomultiverses are. I have been able to astral project since birth and some times, I project involuntarily to other worlds. Some are variations of this world. Some are completely alien worlds. This blog is an account of some of the worlds I have found myself in and logged their descriptions.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Blood Flags blowing over freedom's grave

False Flags are flying high.
Smoke Fire and Death fill the sky.

Faux News cries out why oh why
There are no Drones in the sky.

Armed vehicles prow down the Street.
Freedoms lost and  can not compete.

Fear is sold like the hot new drug of the day.
Capture the Enemy but make sure they do not have a say.

False Flags are flying high.
One the days our freedoms die.

copyright George King April 22, 2013

While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Is a big USA Earthquake coming soon ?


My My it has been a very busy few days of 5 to 7 Richter Scale earthquakes.

USA should be on the lookout for big one too!  (TDK / The Druid King)





and More

Russia struck by 6.1-magnitude quake 


While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


  • The first thing you learn as a member of a family, tribe or society is that there are consequences to your actions.
    Today in Congress should have been a slam dunk. Vote for the background checks like 90% of people are demanding. Show how much you care with loads of press conferences proving you can do the RIGHT thing. Then bounce doing it back to the State and Local level and let them fight it out and take the heat.
    But instead, they took what as to be the most unpopular stance in history and I mean HISTORY as though there will be no consequences. They will do whatever they like. I'm the Senator...You are the citizen...Now shut up....
    Am I the only one that sees something very, very, very VERY WRONG?????
    There are 3 choices:
    1. They are all drunk or on drugs.
    2. They are all stupid.....but you don't get to Congress being THAT stupid.
    3. They know something we don't.....like maybe our choices are over the military elite will be coming for us without those pesky background checks on guns...or there is going to be a lot more carnage instigated by their followers....a take over of the government by force....
    Something really bad is coming down the pike.
    These guys know they are never winning another election. They know their corporate masters are going to drop them like a hot potato now that they are a liability to the control of Congress.....
    Nothing that happened today...makes.....sense.

    While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK 

Monday, April 8, 2013

A little know secret of the Prophets


By sharing what the Future is most likely to hold.

Gives the People warning to be so bold.

Both act now and Dream a new better Day.

The Fates have given you the chance to create another Way.

The Druid King

While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

On Such a Nuclear Winter's Day.

Written on the Eastbound Train to Hell's Wall.

East Bound Train full of skeletons black and charred. Is history about to repeat itself? 

All The Buzzards are Dead and the Sky is Gray.
There is no one safe and warm after a Nuclear Winter's Day. TDK

The Green Dream:
As a young child in the 40s and early 50s I dreamed for years of standing along a desert road at night watching miles of people walking away from a large Modern city in the distance. The city was in Flames yet it and all around it the was a strong fluorescent Green Glow. 
The people all carried blankets or whatever over their heads but it was not cold or raining. The all looked beaten and started downward as they walked past my point of view . 
Going past them where large military trucks that at later in life I too would ride in the back of across Vietnam. But here in this recurring dream they all had a cover pulled across a full load of something. Then the truck just passing me stopped and I ran to the back and pulled myself up so I could look under the Tarp.
To my surprise the Truck was piled high with burned and Charred Baby bodies.
But then came the Days of elementary school and being taught to craw under your little wooden desk when the Nuclear War warning came and you had but two to three minutes to save your self. (Like you could). We were also taught to cover our heads with newspaper or anything to help keep fallout dust off you. And we learned about glowing in the dark irradiated objects and to avoid them.
So two things made sense but hey a Hydrogen bomb would just leave a big big hole and not a standing burning city. And I was past having the dream by several years so life went on. I grew up went to War as a US Marine, rode trucks watched body bags pile up from endless lines of Choppers. To my surprise I came home a whole but Soulless body with the black of death in his eyes and never ending smell of burning bodies were the Soul should be.
Life when on but I now was N.B.C. warfare trained and knew the dream could not be true.
Then one night President Carter on National Television announced to the World that America had something called a Neutron Bomb. That would kill the people but had a very small firestorm and would leave most of the infrastructure standing. The Nuclear Age Looter Nation's dream come true. And now so had the reality of a Druid Child's so long ago Green Dream.
I feel the Winds of Nuclear winder drawing near Death riding high in the thermonuclear burned sky.
The Druid King 
Copyright George King April 07, 2013

While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK 

Scrying with the Black Oak link

So hits on looking and Witching the future in a Poem


While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK

Saturday, April 6, 2013

"And the words of the prophet are written on the subway walls and tenement halls"

Sounds of Silence

By the Adder and the Ley, from every stone on the way. How Silence screams these days to deaf Minds.

So the bitter question I must ask.  In this Moot of our ancient past.

The line of the old haunting song reminded me, as I look into Druid groups that together number in the thousands. 
So many Druids Rapping and Yapping in Muddy Moots.
That where are those that have ridden the futures boats?
There are no Prophets among us, Shaking loudly the sacred Bell. 
Bloody words dripping from their bitten lips as in their dreams they had tried not to scream .  
Lest the Future hear and snuff them out as Fates Sisters nail them on the Wheel of Spin. 
Or am I wrong and Druids are no longer Prophets ?
Yes I can think of one or two at the New Year take a spin, but nothing that  brings Kings and Princes on blended knee.  To honor and hear a ragged Druid under the old Oak tree.
TDK / The Druid King
I was born in a Prophets Robes and as a young child walked many the night. In the future like an invisible specter of no light.
Watched both Man and Nature rain Death and Destruction of horrible proportions on the lands of Man. Visions no Druid Child could ask of their oh so much younger parents to explain or understand.
Sadly as I grow older I learned the signs I had seen were all correct for some of Man's worst madness and Nature's cruel cleansing.
And yes I have lived to see many of them come true, studied the N.B.C. ways of War with the madness of the Marines.  Lost count of body bags and the Souls. That just a day before walked tall and upright. Full of hope and Death's black light.
As a Druid do you honor the Prophets Robes and let his crimson words fall from you bitten lips?
Post note:
Copyright George King March 24, 2013

While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK 

Of Prophets and Druid's Robes

The Sounds of Silence fill the Prophets Moot,  and Sun has risen with nothing new to quote.. 
Much like in the Ice of Ages how the ancient Druids wrote. 

Today the Oak is without Leaves.
And the trunk has no deep roots. 
Yet except for Bling most Druids have no Boots.

Still  the snow is deep and the Earth cries in pain.
The Old Gods fold their wings and look down in shame.
am a Druid, I am an architect, I am a prophet, I am a Adder"
declaration of a Druid)
But that was before the Worship of demon's Iron and the fall of the Fae.
Yet both the Gods and the Earth long for yesterday.

While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK 

Introduction to Subway of the Druid Prophets

All The Buzzards are Dead and the Sky is Gray.
There is no one safe and warm after a Nuclear Winter's Day.

Should any of my Druid friends feel the Future rattling their staves and bones.
Here is the Prophet's Subway Walls.

Write away there is plenty of Walls. Lets hear about the future no matter how Red or Black the Cauldron's Tea may be.

On Facebook also/
Here is the Prophet's Subway Walls.
Feel free to join and write on the Walls for all to see.

While you are here please be sure and take a look at our Blog sponsors ad by clicking on it, they put a few pennies in the Cats feeding bowl and every penny counts!! Blessing on you and yours TDK