Tuesday, July 12, 2016

And So the Seas and Oceans Shall Die along with the World's Winds

Why isn't the Governor of Florida screaming for Federal help?
Because there is nothing anyone can do, absolutely nothing. They can't kill or stop the algae. It is just going to keep spreading with ample food from fertilizer runoff and heat from Global warming.
This is what I saw in all the prophetic dreams, an ocean so toxic it would kill you with infection if you touched the water. A world with no waves because there was little wind and the algae was so thick. A world where the oceans were dead and it starts here.
I did not want to see this in my life time but it seems I have.

Do you want to know what else was in the prophetic dreams?
They came night after night, each one showing more of the world I saw.
It was a police state where there were two classes, the haves and others. The haves lived in nice houses with plastic plants and painted lawns. They got to sleep and rest in air conditioned tubes and bath a couple of time of weeks. They had air pools where compressed air from the bottom took the place of water. They even had a pet if they could afford to feed one, dogs, not cats because cats require protein and most of the cattle, sheep and other meat animals died a long time ago. There were no birds. There were a couple of huge banyan tree whose roots reach way into what was left of the aquifer.
The others were divided into labor guilds and the others. The labor guilds had to wear their uniforms to be allowed on the streets and stayed together in groups for protection. The others lived on the banks of the drainage ditches in stilt platforms with a roof. The tides were channeled into these drainage ditches and sometime they washed the houses away. Any children that were sick or disabled or the elderly tended to suffer from accidental falls into the drainage ditches. Nothing was ever done.
The police would be called to find a missing dog but someone of the other classes being killed got no attention.
It was a lovely (sarcasm) world and you it seems will get to live in it. I will be long dead.

Do you really think their seers do not see the same things I do? Do you really think they are not preparing for that future?
Then why are the rich moving inland and to other countries? Why are they leaving their island homes? Why are they moving to the mountains?
They have a history of ruining one place and moving to another. Just look at England as a microcosm. When they ruined London, they just moved to the country side and left the poor to rot. It has always been that way

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